Welcome to FinnSpring 2024

Santavuori, a place with a rich history of battles since the Cudgel War, is hosting a major orienteering event this spring. Rasti-Kurikka and Rasti-Jussit have the privilege of organizing this event in the beautiful landscapes of Santavuori. The long-distance race on Saturday is an international WRE competition, and on Sunday, the second race of the Finnish Relay League will take place. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced orienteer, there will be plenty of excitement and memorable experiences for everyone.

Our goal is to provide the best orienteering experience and excellent services at the competition center. We are fortunate to have the wind power park, which offers a functional environment for the event. Throughout the spring, we will keep you updated on the competition website about the snow conditions.

We warmly welcome you to Ostrobothnia!